Monday, February 9, 2009

The Jumbled Jigsaw or John Barleycorn

The Jumbled Jigsaw: An Insider's Approach to the Treatment of Cluster Conditions in Autism

Author: Donna Williams

The Jumbled Jigsaw exposes Autism spectrum conditions not as a single entity, but as the combination of a whole range of often untreated underlying conditions. Exploring everything from mood, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive and tic disorders to dependency, identity and personality issues, information processing, sensory perceptual problems and gut and immune disorders, Donna Williams demonstrates how such common conditions can combine to form a 'cluster condition' that underpins the label 'Autism Spectrum Disorder'.

The Jumbled Jigsaw empowers and challenges families to look at what they can do to alter their child's environment and address the combination of underlying issues that up the tempo of each person's 'Autism'. It provides carers with the information they need to navigate the expanding Autism 'marketplace' and demand the right tools for the job. Donna also confronts society's reluctance to embrace diversity and puts up a challenge to professionals to recognise the various, often treatable conditions that lead to an Autism spectrum diagnosis, and deliver a more effective service to those in need.

Written in a user-friendly style, this thought-provoking book is an invaluable resource for Auties, Aspies and parents, as well as professionals, policy makers and service providers.

Table of Contents:
Part 1Getting Oriented7
Part 2Into the Depths21
1Fuel System and Electrical Problems: Health and Autism23
2Different Ways of Navigating the World: The System of Sensing versus Interpretation39
3Issues of Overload: Being Mono and Delayed Information Processing83
4Experiencing the World Rather Differently: Sensory-Perceptual Issues119
5Losing Control of One's Body: Impulse-Control Problems143
6Strange Emotional Spaces: Mood-Regulation Problems159
7Invisible Cages: Anxiety Issues186
8Being Joined at the Hip: Dependency Issues231
9Bad Parenting or Bad Match? Boundary Issues257
10A Matter of Perspective: Trauma, Neglect, Abuse and Grief269
11Who Am I and Which Side Am I On? Identity Issues293
Part 3The Fallout339
12The Fallout341
Appendix 1Sources of Help: Professionals, Places and Services365
Appendix 2Autism Spectrum Cluster Checklist369
Appendix 3Referral List Based on Checklist374

Interesting book: Surveillance Countermeasures or The Right Man

John Barleycorn

Author: Jack London

It all came to me one election day. It was on a warm California afternoon and I had ridden down into the Valley of the Moon from the ranch to the little village to vote Yes and No to a host of proposed amendments to the Constitution of the State of California.

Upton Sinclair

Assuredly one of the most useful, as well as one of the most entertaining books ever penned by a man.

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