Saturday, January 17, 2009

Love and Survival or Shaking Medicine

Love and Survival: 8 Pathways to Intimacy and Health

Author: Dean Ornish

The Medical Basis for the Healing Power of Intimacy

We all know that intimacy improves the quality of our lives. Yet most people don't realize how much it can increase the quality of our lives -- our survival.

In this New York Timesworld-renowned physician Dean Ornish, M.D., writes, "I am not aware of any other factor in medicine that has a greater impact on our survival than the healing power of love and intimacy. Not diet, not smoking, not exercise, not stress, not genetics, not drugs, not surgery."

He reveals that the real epidemic in modern culture is not only physical heart disease but also what he calls spiritual heart disease: loneliness, isolation, alienation, and depression. He shows how the very defenses that we think protect us from emotional pain are often the same ones that actually heighten our pain and threaten our survival. Dr. Ornish outlines eight pathways to intimacy and healing that have made a profound difference in his life and in the life of millions of others in turning sadness into happiness, suffering into joy.

Chicago Tribune - Marion Woodman

The Medical Basis for the Healing Power of Intimacy

We all know that intimacy improves the quality of our lives. Yet most people don't realize how much it can increase the quality of our lives — our survival. In The New York Times, world-renowned physician Dean Ornish, M.D., wrote, "I am not aware of any other factor in medicine that has a greater impact on our survival than the healing power of love and intimacy. Not diet, not smoking, not exercise, not stress, not genetics, not drugs, not surgery."

He reveals that the real epidemic in modern culture is not only physical heart disease but also what he calls spiritual heart disease: loneliness, isolation, alienation, and depression. He shows how the very defenses that we think protect us from emotional pain are often the same ones that actually heighten our pain and threaten our survival. Dr. Ornish outlines eight pathways to intimacy and healing that have made a profound difference in his life and in the life of millions of others in turning sadness into happiness, suffering into joy.


Revolutionary results...Dr. Ornish's work could change the lives of millions.


Revolutionary results...Dr. Ornish's work could change the lives of millions.

Dr. Marion Woodman

The Medical Basis for the Healing Power of Intimacy

We all know that intimacy improves the quality of our lives. Yet most people don't realize how much it can increase the quality of our lives -- our survival. In The New York Times, world-renowned physician Dean Ornish, M.D., wrote, "I am not aware of any other factor in medicine that has a greater impact on our survival than the healing power of love and intimacy. Not diet, not smoking, not exercise, not stress, not genetics, not drugs, not surgery."

He reveals that the real epidemic in modern culture is not only physical heart disease but also what he calls spiritual heart disease: loneliness, isolation, alienation, and depression. He shows how the very defenses that we think protect us from emotional pain are often the same ones that actually heighten our pain and threaten our survival. Dr. Ornish outlines eight pathways to intimacy and healing that have made a profound difference in his life and in the life of millions of others in turning sadness into happiness, suffering into joy. -- Chicago Tribune

Kirkus Reviews

Ornish, the bestselling author known for using diet, exercise, and stress management to treat heart disease Dr. Dean Ornish's Program for Reversing Heart Disease now insists that the most powerful influences on health are love and intimacy. The founder of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute near San Francisco says he knows of no other factor—"not diet, not smoking, not exercise, not stress, not genetics, not drugs, not surgery—that has such a major impact on our quality of life, incidence of illness, and premature death from all causes." After backing up this claim with an impressive review of the literature supporting the healing role of social support and intimacy and the health-damaging consequences of loneliness and isolation, Ornish looks inward and describes his own personal journey to greater openness. He follows these self-revelations with a discussion of intimacy-enhancing strategies. In what is the book's least cohesive chapter, he presents a standard exercise in communication skills and briefly discusses the value of human touch, the meaning of commitment, the practice of meditation, and the role of spiritual practices and psychotherapy in developing the sense of self that is a prerequisite to achieving intimacy. Ornish then inserts a lengthy illustrative anecdote: the case of a patient whose heart disease begins to reverse after he accepts Ornish's urging to open his heart and give up his anger. The second and more compelling half of the book consists of Ornish's conversations on the role of love and intimacy in health and disease with a broad spectrum of thoughtful men and women with different perspectives: a yogi, an intuitive healer, atheologian, a sociologist, a psychologist, and many scientists and physicians.

What People Are Saying

"Revolutionary results....Dr. Ornish's work could change the lives of millions."

John Gray
"Relationships bring freedom and joy. InLove & Survival, Dr. Dean Ornish powerfully demonstrates that intimacy also can heal. I am thrilled about this book!"

Daniel Goleman
"Love & Survivalis an emotionally intelligent guide to good health and well-being. Everyone should read it."

Andrew Weil
"Dr. Dean Ornish, who was the first to prove the reversal of heart disease by changing lifestyle, now turns his attention to the heart in a more profound sense and identifies love and intimacy as the most powerful healing forces that exist. I could not agree more. This book is filled with sparkling insights and practical wisdom about protecting health and enhancing wellness by attending the nourishment of our real hearts."

Andrew Weil, M.D.
The most important book ever written about love and health.

John Gray, Ph.D.
Dr. Dean Ornish powerfuly demonstrates that intimacy also canheal. I am thrilled about this book! -- Author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus

Daniel Goleman, Ph.D.
An emotionally intelligent guide to good health and well-beng. Everyone should read it. -- Author of Emotional Intelligence and science correspondent to The New York Times

Books about: Orígenes Sociales de Dictadura y Democracia:Señor y Campesino en la Fabricación del Mundo Moderno

Shaking Medicine: The Healing Power of Ecstatic Movement

Author: Bradford P Keeney


“Indigenous wisdom knows that ‘to live is to move.’ To awaken from our deep slumber means our bones will be rattled, and we’ll be shaken to the core. In this invitation into very ancient medicine, we hear the voices of the elders issuing a timely wake-up call, accessible to the modern world through Bradford Keeney, their brother and representative in the West.”
--Malidoma Somé, Ph.D., elder, teacher, and author of Healing Wisdom of Africa and Of Water and the Spirit

Shaking Medicine reintroduces the oldest medicine on Earth--the ecstatic shaking of the human body. Most people’s worst fear is losing control--of their circumstances, of their emotions, and especially of their bodies. Yet in order to achieve the transcendent state necessary to experience deep healing, we must surrender control. Examining cultural traditions from around the world where shaking has been used as a form of healing--from the Shakers and Quakers of New England to the shaking medicine of Japan, India, the Caribbean, the Kalahari, and the Indian Shakers of the Pacific Northwest--Bradford Keeney shows how shaking can bring profound therapeutic benefits.

Keeney investigates the full spectrum of the healing cycle that occurs when moving from ecstatic arousal to deep trance relaxation. He explains how the alternating movement produced while shaking brings all the body’s energetic systems into balance. He includes practical exercises in how to shake for physical therapeutic benefit, and he shows how these techniques lead ultimately to the shaking medicine that both enables andenhances spiritual attunement. The book also includes a 40-minute CD of ecstatic drumming music to use while shaking.

BRADFORD KEENEY, Ph.D., is an internationally renowned scholar, therapist, and shaman who has led expeditions throughout the world to study cultural healing practices. He is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the Rock Art Research Institute, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, and is the author of Bushman Shaman: Awakening the Spirit through Ecstatic Dance, Shamanic Christianity: The Direct Experience of Mystical Communion, and the editor of the Profiles of Healing series.

Table of Contents:

Pronunciation Guide

By the Bushman Elders

1    The Shake
       Rediscovering the Oldest and Newest Cure on Earth

2    The Cycle of Healing
        Ecstatic Arousal and Deep Relaxation

3    The World’s First Shakers
        The Kalahari Bushman Shamans

4    The Last Taboo
        Why Did the Quakers Stop Quaking and the Shakers Stop Shaking?

5    Experience versus Ideology
        Spiritual Dilemmas in the Northwest

6    Harnessing the Shake
        Spiritual Traveling in the Caribbean

7    Singing Down the Spirit
        The African American Church

8    Seiki Jutsu
        The Japanese Shaking Medicine

9    Coiled Wisdom
         Shaking Medicine, Shakti, and Kundalini

10    The Life Force Theatre
          Performances and Testimonies

11    The Ultimate Medicine
         From Shaken Faith to Shaking Faith

  The First People Speak about Shaking Medicine




Bradford Keeney, Ph.D., is an internationally renowned scholar, therapist, and shaman who has led expeditions throughout the world to study cultural healing practices. He is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the Rock Art Research Institute, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, and is the author of Bushman Shaman: Awakening the Spirit through Ecstatic Dance, Shamanic Christianity: The Direct Experience of Mystical Communion, Shaking Medicine: The Healing Power of Ecstatic Movement, and the editor of the Profiles of Healing series.

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